

发布人:   发布时间:2018-02-23 13:23:37


Black and white iron, iron and tin is a general term. And black-and-white iron processing is a small folk workshop for the processing of General Iron and galvanized iron plate things. They will iron general called "iron", the galvanized iron (commonly known as the snow iron) commonly known as "tin".


Iron is also called stainless steel, is a black and white iron. The original color of stainless steel is black, and we see silver stainless steel being processed by polishing. We call on the stainless steel raw material of iron. The corrosion resistance function of stainless steel decreases with the increase of carbon content. Therefore, most stainless steels contain lower carbon content and most of them do not exceed 1.2%. In some steels, Wc content is even less than 0.03%, such as 00Cr12. The primary alloy element in stainless steel is Cr (chromium). Only when the content of Cr reaches a certain value, the steel has the function of corrosion resistance. As a result, the general Cr (chromium) content of stainless steel is at least 10.5%.

白铁则是镀锌铁俗称。将洁净铁片浸在熔化液体的锌里而制得的。锌虽然是对比的生动,但在富含CO2湿润的空气里能生成一层碱式的碳酸锌:4Zn+2O2+3H2O+CO2→ZnCO3.3Zn(OH)2 这层碱式碳酸锌的薄膜较紧密,也可以作保护膜,防止内部的锌不再被继续的氧化。

It is commonly known as the galvanized iron tin. The clean iron sheet is dipped in the zinc of the molten liquid. Although zinc is the contrast of vivid, but in the CO2 rich moist air to form a layer of basic zinc carbonate: 4Zn+2O2+3H2O+CO2, ZnCO3.3Zn (OH) 2 film, this layer of basic zinc carbonate is closely, can also be used as protective film to prevent oxidation of internal zinc will no longer be continued.



If the galvanized layer once broken in the future, the electrochemical corrosion, due to zinc than iron zinc will be vivid, as the original battery anode oxidation reaction by iron loss, was protected, contrary to tin, tin corrosion electrochemical is due to iron than tin iron vivid, protected inside. But it is assumed that the tin layer is divided, because tin is the positive electrode of the battery, so tin will make iron corrode faster.


Tin features: surface of galvanized iron rust. Known as the lead, tin. Why not rust? This is the protective layer effect on iron surface, together with the assumption of coating damage, can also be made of iron zinc primary battery, anode and cathode protection method using the principle of sacrifice anode.


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