

发布人:   发布时间:2018-05-08 14:18:10

    The most widely used in the market is the spiral wind pipe, the spiral ventilation pipe belongs to a kind of ventilation pipe, the spiral ventilation pipe is divided into the following three kinds: galvanized spiral wind pipe, stainless steel spiral wind pipe and compound spiral pipe. Now that you know what a spiral duct is, do you know its use?
    1、排油烟 Exhaust fume
    There are a lot of fumes in restaurants, restaurants and hotel kitchens, which need to be discharged. The circular duct is the chimney.
    2、除尘 dust removal
    There is a lot of dust in the workshop, and special dust removal devices are needed.

20170427128910.jpg    3、空气流通 Air circulation
    Including ventilation, such as fresh air and exhaust, this range is very wide, such as factory workshop, production site air, because of the harmful gas production needs to discharge outside, and the need to transport outdoor air to the room. At this time, the use of large flow and pressure small air transportation pipeline, the spiral pipe is the most suitable, in general, the use of galvanized iron pipe, corrosive and special wet places to use stainless steel pipe.
    4、空调管道 Air conditioning pipe
    Central air conditioning pipes, such pipes need to add insulation materials. The spiral duct can be attached with thermal insulation material and looks beautiful.
    The application range of the spiral wind pipe is very wide. If necessary, please contact Ji'nan Shun Fa ventilation pipe engineering company, high quality and no high price!


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