

发布人:   发布时间:2017-11-14 17:08:44

我们都知道高空排放油烟净化设备是安装在外面的,长期面对日晒风淋,所以要做好防雨装置。另外、对机器的材质也有所考究,机柜外部好使用室外烤漆防水工艺,并 符合防水设计标准。还有电场内部的清洗,机器在运作一段时间后电场内部会有很多油垢,需要清洗以免削弱油烟净化设备的效率。

We all know that high altitude emissions lampblack purification equipment is installed outside the long face of the sun, the wind shower, so do a good rain protection device. In addition, the material of the machine is also refined, the outside of the cabinet is best to use outdoor paint waterproof process, and meet the waterproof design standards. There are internal electric cleaning machine has a lot of grease in operation for a period of time after the internal electric field will need to be cleaned, so as not to impair the efficiency of fume purification equipment.


At the same time, do not ignore the maintenance of the fan, regular removal of dust inside the fan, especially on the impeller dust, stains and other impurities, in order to prevent corrosion and imbalance. In addition to each after overhaul should be changed and oil, normal circumstances change to lubricating oil 3-6. So friends who are using lampblack purification facilities, if you use the machine efficiency and product efficiency is different, you can regularly cleaning maintenance.


What is the first picture that comes out of your mind when it comes to cooking fume purification equipment? As an industry staff, speaking of fume purification equipment I first thought is the beginning of the lampblack purification machine, product innovation and development become the best use of the fume treatment equipment development in Chinese catering industry today, upgrading of fume treatment equipment, fume purification device created a pioneer of fume purification, to guard the numerous a commercial kitchen discharge, hot summer fast purify fumes, smoke and comfortable kitchen make life to enjoy a little more advanced.


Fume purification facilities is the use of purification principle, which is to make the maximum reduction of kitchen air, compared with lampblack machine, lampblack purification device better, after the smoke is purified, it will make people feel more comfortable, no choking tastes pungent, so many people said that the oil smoke purification device is environmentally friendly.


As for the catering industry, the quick cooking fume purifier is very advantageous. High purification efficiency, safe use, durable, intelligent cleaning system, custom cleaning process can be avoided, usually busy work and forget cleaning, maintenance. Especially when doing Hunan and Sichuan, but is particularly important for fume purification.


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