

发布人:   发布时间:2017-05-09 16:53:02

一、在通风系统中的通风管道是相互连接的一个整体,必然得遵循各支路阻力平衡规律,当风管系统的结构 形式、管道尺寸一经确定,在一定的风机作用下,各段的风量是按阻力平衡规律自动分配的。在设计计算时未经阻力平衡计算,会导致系统实 际风量分配与设计不符。当然我们也可以通过调节风阀来分配风量,但这样一来就又使非不利环路的风压多余。所以在设计计算时考虑各环 路的阻力平衡具有现实意义。

First, in the ventilation system in the ventilation pipe is a whole connected, must follow the branch resistance balance law, when the structure, size of pipe duct system is confirmed, the fan under certain sections of the air is automatically allocated according to the resistance of the law of balance. In the calculation of the design without resistance balance calculation, the system will result in the actual air volume distribution and design. Of course, we can also adjust the air valve to regulate the amount of air, but this will make the most unfavorable loop pressure. So it is of practical significance to consider the resistance balance of each loop in the design calculation.


Resistance balance duct system automatically calculates the basic implementation process used in conventional design calculation steps are as follows:



The logical relationship between the nodes and the relevant parameters of the pipe segments are input and stored in turn, and then the initial wind speed of each pipe segment is selected according to the technical requirements;


According to the assumed wind speed, the equivalent hydraulic diameter and resistance loss;


Finding the path and the resistance loss of each loop of the system with the method of node inverse searching, and determining the most disadvantageous loop of the system;


Automatic resistance balance for non disadvantageous loop.


Check the calculation results.


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