

发布人:   发布时间:2020-03-05 16:38:05


  An important part of ventilation and air conditioning system, most of which is composed of air duct processing equipment (such as air duct line). However, due to various reasons, it may cause problems in the duct processing equipment from the duct.

  1. 各类板材、管材必须有质量证明文件(包括出厂证明、质量证书、检测报告)和产品清单。

  1. All kinds of plates and pipes must have quality certificates (including factory certificates, quality certificates, test reports) and product lists.

  2. 成品风道内不得有变形、变形、开裂、孔洞、法兰脱落、开焊、缺铆接、缺螺栓孔等缺陷。

  2. There shall be no deformation, deformation, crack, hole, flange falling off, open welding, lack of riveting, lack of bolt hole and other defects in the finished air duct.



  3. If the muffler, cover, air vent and other parts are installed in the valve body, check whether the regulating device is flexible and whether the paint film and paint film are damaged.

  4. 安装材料:螺栓、螺母、垫圈、垫片、密封条、自攻螺钉、拉丝铆钉、焊条、各种帆布、无纺布、射钉、山东风道膨胀螺栓等,应符合产品质量要求。

  4. Installation materials: bolts, nuts, washers, gaskets, sealing strips, self tapping screws, drawing rivets, welding rods, various canvas, non-woven fabrics, shooting nails, Shandong air duct expansion bolts, etc., which shall meet the product quality requirements.


  Ventilation pipe is a kind of pipe with rapid development and many kinds in domestic market. Because of its own characteristics and advantages, it has been more and more widely used. In order to ensure the safety of use, according to the requirements of the project, the requirements of non combustible or non combustible B1 fire extinguishing performance are put forward for the air ducts made of these materials. As long as Shandong air duct has quality assurance in the process of air duct processing, it can play the role of air duct, so that customers can achieve the expected results in use, and truly achieve satisfactory service. For some common ventilation pipes, such as sheet flange ventilation pipe, pipe, glue surface and internal thermal insulation material, composite material is one of the basic conditions. In addition, hot tape has relied on the advantages of hot-melt adhesive. Without heating, glue is cured at room temperature, and reliable bonding strength.


  Iron plate ventilation pipe welding easy to produce porosity, the following for us to introduce the causes of porosity and solutions.


  (1) The extension of welding wire is too long, and the effect of maintenance gas is not good;


  (2) Improper selection of the curing gas cover results in poor curing effect of the curing gas on the molten pool;


  (3) The first generation RMD welding equipment does not have the function of early air supply, and the gas cannot be maintained in time during the arc striking process.


  The above is the detailed introduction of Jinan ventilation pipe welding requirements. For more information, please click


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