

发布人:   发布时间:2020-04-27 16:45:03


1. Advantages of iron sheet air duct

1) 强度高,能承受3kPa的风压,可满意高中低压风体系的运用。

1) It has high strength, can bear 3kpa wind pressure, and can be satisfied with the application of high, medium and low pressure wind system.

2) 可现场加工,运输成本低,调整方便,不影响工期。

2) It can be processed on site, with low transportation cost and convenient adjustment, without affecting the construction period.


2. Disadvantages of iron sheet air duct

1) 易生锈,运用寿命不长,不利于提高室内空气质量,在湿润的环境下,运用寿命只要5-7年,而且过4-5年去看风管内部到处是锈迹斑斑。

1) It is easy to rust, and its service life is not long, which is not conducive to improving indoor air quality. In a humid environment, its service life is only 5-7 years, and after 4-5 years, the air duct is full of rust.

2) 漏风率高,能耗大。铁皮风管由咬口及法兰衔接,其漏风率在10%左右(标准允许)。

2) High air leakage rate and energy consumption. The iron sheet air duct is connected by undercut and flange, and its air leakage rate is about 10% (allowed by the national standard).


3) 通风噪声大。铁皮风管壁薄,在风速和风压的作用下会产生噪声。

3) The ventilation is noisy. The thin wall of iron sheet air duct will produce noise under the action of wind speed and wind pressure.

4) 重量大,添加建筑物荷载。铁皮风管每重量在10kg以上。

4) Large weight, add building load. The weight of iron sheet air duct per square meter is more than 10kg.

5) 导热系数高。铁皮风管选用外保温,外保温添加了工程造价,影响了施工工期。如果外保温不到位或受到破损,就会产生冷桥。冷凝水损坏吊顶,会损坏下面的物件。

5) High thermal conductivity. External insulation is selected for iron sheet air duct, which adds project cost and affects construction period. If the external insulation is not in place or damaged, a cold bridge will occur. If the condensation water damages the ceiling, it will damage the objects below.

6) 制作安装周期长。铁皮风管要选用大型的机械施工,要做咬口和法兰,速度慢。

6) Long production and installation cycle. Large scale mechanical construction shall be selected for iron sheet air duct, and undercut and flange shall be made, which is slow.

7) 保护成本高。铁皮风管常常要保护,进行防锈处理。

7) The cost of protection is high. Iron sheet air ducts are often protected against rust.

8) 不美观。铁皮风管外保温后不平坦、不美观。

8) Not beautiful. The outer insulation of the iron sheet air duct is uneven and unsightly.

9) 占用吊顶空间。铁皮风管加上法兰高度和保温材料厚度占用了不小的吊顶空间(一般在40-60mm)。

9) Occupied ceiling space. The height of the iron sheet air duct plus the flange and the thickness of the insulation material occupy a large amount of ceiling space (generally 40-60mm).


Common function of ventilation duct in ventilation and air conditioning system

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