

发布人:   发布时间:2020-05-29 18:47:48

  通风管道用橡胶接头主要由三部分组成,內胶层是由力威自主合成的橡胶来制 作的橡胶球体,增强层是采用帘子布来作为橡胶接头的添加物以增强橡胶接头的弹性 及耐磨性能,连接部分可以是法兰连接方式和套管连接方式,还有卡箍等多种连接方式可供选择。有人咨询问:橡胶软接头使用注意事项是什么?今天来介绍一下澳门正版内部资料大公开通风管道橡胶软接头使用注意事项。

  Rubber joints for ventilation pipes are mainly composed of three parts. The inner rubber layer is a rubber ball made of rubber synthesized by Liwei. The reinforcing layer uses cord cloth as the additive of rubber joints to enhance the elasticity and wear resistance of rubber joints. The connecting part can be made of flange connection and sleeve connection, and there are many kinds of connection methods such as clamps. Someone asked: what are the precautions for the use of rubber soft joints? Today, I'd like to introduce the precautions for rubber flexible joint of Jinan ventilation pipe.


  Matters needing attention during installation of rubber soft joint of ventilation pipe include:


  1、 After the rubber joint bears the pressure for the first time, such as installation and pressure test, or before it is put into use again after being stopped for a long time, the bolt shall be re pressurized and tightened before being put into operation.


  2. When the pipeline medium is acid, alkali, oil, high temperature and other special materials, the rubber joint with a gear higher than the working pressure of the pipeline shall be selected.



  3. The interface connecting rubber joint shall be valve flange or flange conforming to GB / t9115.1 (RF).


  4. When the instantaneous pressure of the pipeline is greater than the working pressure, the joint with a gear higher than the working pressure shall be selected.


  5. The normal use medium temperature of rubber joint is 0-60 ℃ ordinary water. In case of special medium such as oil, acid, alkali, high temperature and other corrosive and hard conditions, the corresponding rubber joint material shall be selected, and it is not allowed to be used in series or in general.


  6. For high-rise water supply or suspended water supply, the pipe shall be fixed on the hanger, bracket or anchor frame, and the joint shall not bear the weight and axial force of the pipe itself, otherwise the rubber joint shall be equipped with anti pulling device, and its bearing force shall be greater than the axial force of the pipe.


  7. When the flexible rubber joint is used at the inlet and outlet of the water pump, it shall be located at the side near the water pump, and a metal reducer joint shall be installed between the flexible rubber joint and the water pump, and it shall be installed at the large diameter of the reducer.


  8. When the displacement of the pipeline is equal to or greater than the compensation of the joint, the number of joints shall be increased to parallel the displacement. It is strictly prohibited to adjust the over tolerance of the pipeline, so that the joint is in the state of limited deflection displacement and deviation, not to mention the over tolerance expansion, displacement, deflection, etc.


  9. When installing the rubber joint, the screw of the bolt shall extend to the outside of the joint, and the bolt of each flange end face shall be tightened repeatedly and evenly according to the method of diagonal pressure to prevent the pressure deviation. Screw thread joint shall be tightened evenly with standard spanner. Do not force the flexible joint with force bar to make the sliding thread, sliding edge and fracture. Besides, regular and regular inspection shall be carried out to avoid disc breaking or water seepage caused by loosening.


  10. When using or storing rubber joints, avoid high temperature, ozone, oil and acid-base environment. For outdoor or windward pipes, sunshade shall be set up. Exposure, rain and wind erosion are strictly prohibited. It is strictly prohibited to brush paint and wind insulation materials on the surface of rubber joint. Due to aging problems of rubber joint products, check and replace them in time.


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