

发布人:   发布时间:2021-08-11 16:29:39


The common problems of thermal insulation quality mainly include uneven glue brushing, loose bonding of thermal insulation materials, incorrect selection of thickness of thermal insulation materials, inconsistent appearance type, unsightly type, etc. There are several main quality problems during construction:


(1) The bonding between the insulation layer and the wooden support is not tight. During construction, due to the inaccurate measurement of workers' insulation layer length, workers often stretch the insulation materials and then bond them. Due to the elasticity of the material itself, it will shrink after stretching. After a long time, the adhesive between the thermal insulation material and the wooden support will open, which is one of the most common quality problems in thermal insulation.

防治措施:在下料和粘接过程中不准拉伸材料,同时要求在木托两侧和保温材料截面上都要涂刷胶水,胶水涂刷的要均匀饱满;木托要选用规则的,如果木托断裂成数块,就要换掉 ,防止因冷桥产生结露现象。

Prevention measures: it is not allowed to stretch materials during blanking and bonding. At the same time, glue shall be painted on both sides of the wooden support and on the section of the thermal insulation material, and the glue shall be painted evenly and fully; The wooden support shall be regular. If the wooden support is broken into several pieces, it shall be replaced to prevent condensation due to the cold bridge.


(2) The bonding between thermal insulation materials is not tight. The bonding between thermal insulation materials is common, especially above the horizontal pipe and on the side of the riser. The bonding joint of thermal insulation materials is long, which is prone to loose bonding. This is mainly caused by the uneven section and uneven glue brushing during the cutting process, which is also one of the most common quality problems in thermal insulation.


Prevention and control measures: the construction personnel are required to use a ruler in the process of blanking, and the blanking shall not be done by hand. The glue shall be applied evenly, and the bonding shall be squeezed gradually from one side to the other side, so as to ensure that the cutting surface of the material can be stressed and bonded firmly.


(3) Glue shall be opened at the elbow. During pipeline insulation, it is generally required to place the joint of the insulation layer above the pipeline, and the insulation layer cracking often occurs above the elbow of the pipeline, resulting in local insulation layer being too thin and condensate condensation.


Prevention and control measures: the construction personnel are required not to cut materials only according to the estimated size when making elbow insulation, but to accurately measure the size with a soft leather ruler; The cut section shall be flat; Apply more glue where the local stress of the pipe elbow is large.


For elbow insulation, direct elbow insulation shall be adopted as far as possible, that is, the bonding joint of the insulation layer shall follow the direction of the pipeline, rather than the method of cutting horseshoe type and multiple bonding to repair the radian. In this way, a lot of manpower, time and materials can be saved, the insulation quality can be guaranteed, and the appearance is more beautiful than the latter.



(4) The through wall casing is skewed. In actual construction, it is easy to place the casing at the place where the pipeline passes through the wall eccentric or deviates from the wall, so that the thermal insulation layer cannot pass through the wall and cannot play the role of thermal insulation.

防治措施 :套管一般是直接采用施工中的管道切割制作,根据墙体厚度和抹灰厚度定出套管长度,在墙体施工前用多根楔型木条把套管支撑起来,固定在管道上,塞木条时要保证套管与管道同心。保温施工时把木条拆下来,再将保温层穿过套管。

Prevention and control measures: the casing is generally cut and made directly by the pipeline in construction. The length of the casing is determined according to the wall thickness and plastering thickness. Before wall construction, the casing is supported and fixed on the pipeline with multiple wedge-shaped wooden strips. When plugging the wooden strips, ensure that the casing is concentric with the pipeline. During insulation construction, remove the wooden strip, and then pass the insulation layer through the casing.


(5) The finished product is damaged. After the rubber and plastic insulation construction, the insulation pipeline close to the pedestrian passage is easy to be knocked and scratched by heavy and sharp objects.

防治措施 :在明装的地方采用纸箱或厚的塑料布包裹严密,用铁丝捆绑结实,施工中可以利用橡塑材料或风机盘管的包装箱。保护层要超过普通人手所能够到的高度。在明装的新风机房和明装管道井中的保温要尽量推迟到其它工种施工完毕后再施工,争取一次做到位。

Prevention and control measures: the exposed places shall be tightly wrapped with cartons or thick plastic cloth and firmly bound with iron wires. Rubber and plastic materials or packing boxes of fan coil units can be used in construction. The protective layer should be higher than ordinary hands can reach. The thermal insulation in the exposed fresh air fan room and exposed duct shaft shall be postponed to the construction of other types of work as far as possible, and strive to be in place at one time.

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