

发布人:   发布时间:2021-08-18 18:59:10

厨房排烟管道的水平段不宜太长,一般水平更远距离不应超过15m并且要有2%以上的坡度,水平末端设活接头,以方便清理油垢。排风速度按规范不得低于 10m/s,以防风速过低使油附着于烟道上,接排风罩的支管应设风量调节阀。 厨房排烟管道的设计和安装不合理,往往会造成厨房排烟不通畅,直接影响油烟净化器的使用。

The horizontal section of kitchen smoke exhaust pipe should not be too long. Generally, the maximum horizontal distance should not exceed 15m, and there should be a slope of more than 2%. Movable joints are set at the horizontal end to facilitate the cleaning of oil dirt. The exhaust speed shall not be lower than 10m / s according to the specification to prevent the oil from adhering to the flue due to low air speed. The branch pipe connected to the exhaust hood shall be equipped with air volume regulating valve. The unreasonable design and installation of kitchen smoke exhaust pipe often leads to poor smoke exhaust in the kitchen, which directly affects the use of oil fume purifier.


  1. The ventilation area of the main smoke exhaust pipe is insufficient and the gas flow rate is too large. According to engineering experience, the wind speed in the main smoke exhaust pipe shall not exceed 15m / s. Otherwise, after a period of operation (such as one year), it is easy to cause the smoke exhaust system to be blocked. In the operation practice of oil fume purifier, most cases are blocked due to insufficient ventilation area of smoke exhaust pipe, and the flow rate of gas in the pipe is more than 15m / s.

  2. QQ截图20170428145438.png


2. As the smoke exhaust pipe passes through the building beam, the ventilation cross-sectional area of the pipe becomes smaller and the resistance on the cross-section increases, resulting in unobstructed air flow.


3. When the smoke exhaust pipe passes through the building beam or avoids other equipment pipes, one section of the smoke exhaust pipe will be lower than the plane of the overall smoke exhaust pipe. After using for a period of time, the oil-water mixture will accumulate in the lower section of the smoke exhaust pipe, which will directly affect the smoothness of smoke exhaust.


4. The kitchen fume of different floors is discharged through the same main pipe. The kitchen smoke exhaust effect of the floor close to the exit is better, while the kitchen smoke exhaust of the lower floor is not unobstructed.


The installation of kitchen smoke exhaust pipeline and the transformation of gas and natural gas pipeline need to be careful. These two kinds of pipelines are generally not allowed to be changed at will due to the limitation of house structure. If it has to be changed, it must be approved by the property company. When changing, because of the strong professionalism, it is also convenient for future maintenance.

从建筑结构设计来看,排烟管道工程由于有主、副烟道之分是不能随意横向改动的,否则会影响排烟并有倒灌的可能, 而为了美观将烟道口上下移动则不会有不良影响。

From the perspective of building structure design, the smoke exhaust pipe project can not be changed horizontally due to the difference between main and auxiliary flue, otherwise it will affect the smoke exhaust and have the possibility of backflow, and moving the flue mouth up and down for beauty will not have adverse effects.


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