

发布人:   发布时间:2021-09-09 13:53:22


1. Under the same environment and conditions, it can be adjusted from low-speed exhaust to high-speed exhaust. The system design can reduce the total amount of air duct, which is not only economical, but also saves space


2. Under the same conditions, the results of full auxiliary materials (hanging keys, etc.) are simple, the quantity is small, and the cost of installing auxiliary materials is reduced by 20% to 35%


3. During construction, the hoisting efficiency is twice as high as that of rectangular air duct


4. Compared with the traditional rectangular air duct, the main material cost of spiral air duct is reduced by about 15%, and the plate thickness is reduced by 13-17% with the same pipe diameter. The cost of main materials is reduced


Spiral duct has more advantages than traditional rectangular duct


  1. ) the structure of circular air duct is more reasonable than that of rectangular air duct, and it is better than traditional rectangular air duct in reducing vibration noise

  2. QQ截图20170428145524.png


2.) there are few connecting parts, and the spiral air duct is better than the rectangular air duct in terms of system ventilation quality and sealing performance


3.) spiral air duct is more beautiful than rectangular air duct


Galvanized spiral air duct

风管采用镀锌钢板,其厚度应符合GB50243-2002下表选用以下规定。形风管的弯管,可采用内弧型或内斜线矩形弯管。当边长A大于或等于500mm时,应设置弯管导流片。矩形风管的三通或四通,可采用分叉式或分隔式。风管与法兰连接,翻边应平整,宽度应一致且不小于6mm,并不得有开裂及孔洞,对角及翻边缝应涂上密封胶。法兰用料规格见下表: 风管法兰制作应先做好模具。模具做好后检查模具的几何尺寸,对角线是否符合设计及规范要求,检查无误后进行下料、校直、钻铆钉孔(孔距不大于150mm)、组装、焊接、钻孔。另外对边长大于800的风管应加固措施。风管及法兰尺寸的允许偏差和检验方法见下表:

The air duct shall be made of galvanized steel plate, and its thickness shall comply with the following provisions in the following table of GB50243-2002. For the elbow of V-shaped air duct, the inner arc or inner oblique rectangular elbow can be adopted. When the side length a is greater than or equal to 500mm, elbow deflector shall be set. The tee or cross of rectangular air duct can be bifurcated or separated. When the air duct is connected with the flange, the flanging shall be flat, the width shall be consistent and not less than 6mm, and there shall be no cracks and holes. The diagonal and flanging joints shall be coated with sealant. See the following table for the specifications of flange materials: the mold shall be made first for the fabrication of air duct flange. After the mold is completed, check whether the geometric dimension and diagonal line of the mold meet the design and specification requirements. After the inspection is correct, blanking, straightening, drilling rivet holes (hole spacing not greater than 150mm), assembly, welding and drilling shall be carried out. In addition, reinforcement measures shall be taken for air ducts with side length greater than 800. The allowable deviation and inspection method of air duct and flange size are shown in the table below:


During the installation of air duct, conduct sectional leak detection test of air duct. After the air duct is manufactured and installed, it shall be delivered to the next insulation process only after passing the inspection. The end of the air duct suspender shall meet the requirements for adjusting the elevation of the air duct. After the suspender is fabricated, it shall be installed according to the layout position of the air duct. The spacing between horizontal air ducts shall not be greater than 3m and vertical air ducts shall not be greater than 4m. Air duct supports and hangers, fire dampers, electric air valves and other components shall be installed separately. Generally, air ducts shall be provided with one support and hanger every 3M. The method of support and hanger can refer to the standard atlas of heating and ventilation * *. Air duct supports and hangers shall not be set at air outlets, valves, inspection doors and automatic control mechanisms. The suspender shall not be fixed directly


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