

发布人:   发布时间:2022-01-20 16:03:32


Working conditions of ventilation duct: generally, the installation of forced draft fan system and air conditioning system shall be carried out after the construction of building envelope, the obstacles have been cleared and the ground is free of sundries. The installation of air cleaning system for air duct processing shall be carried out under the condition that the ground of the components installed inside the building has been completed, the wall has been plastered, and there is no dust flying or dust-proof measures in the room.



The air duct of general dust removal system should be installed after the process equipment of the plant is installed or the equipment foundation has been determined, and the orientation of equipment connector and cover body is known. Check that the position and size of the reserved holes on site shall meet the requirements of the drawing, and each side shall be 100mm larger than the actual section.


Material requirements for ventilation duct: various installation materials shall have factory certificate or quality appraisal document and product list. The finished air duct shall be free of deformation, distortion, cracking, holes, flange falling off, open welding, missing riveting, missing bolt holes and other defects; For the installed valve body, air outlet and other components, check whether the regulating device is flexible and whether the silencing sheet and paint layer are damaged. Materials used for installation: bolts, nuts, washers, gaskets, sealing strips, self tapping screws, pull rivets, welding rods, various canvas, non-woven fabrics, shooting nails and expansion bolts shall meet the product quality requirements. During the production of sheet iron pipe manufacturers, the production requirements of plates, profiles of spiral air duct manufacturers and other main finished materials are very strict. The weld shall be visually inspected without defects such as pores, sand holes, slag inclusions and cracks. The deformation of the steel plate after welding shall be corrected.

铁皮风管的风道与风口接合用带保温层的软管连接。铁皮风管的风道安装应平、直, 共板风管主风道安装不直度≤1.5㎜/m,不平度≤1㎜/m。铁皮风管和配件表面平整、圆弧均匀、纵向接缝应错开,咬口缝应紧密,宽度均匀。铁皮管道厂家介绍铁皮风管除具有刚度好、强度大的优点外,又具有吸音降噪、保温隔热不需要二次保温的性能,克服了以前复合风管强度弱,外壁易破损的弱点,发扬了镀锌铁皮的优势,风管厂家使用寿命更长,且美观大方,更显尊贵本色。内层保温材料为有机材料中不燃性能*好的酚醛泡沫,管道在成型后不需要二次保温,并且具有和消声功能。

The air duct of the iron sheet air duct is connected with the air outlet with a hose with an insulating layer. The air duct of iron sheet air duct shall be installed flat and straight. The non straightness of the main air duct of common plate air duct shall be ≤ 1.5mm/m and the non flatness shall be ≤ 1mm / m. The surface of iron sheet air duct and accessories shall be flat, the arc shall be uniform, the longitudinal joints shall be staggered, the undercut joints shall be tight and the width shall be uniform. In addition to the advantages of good stiffness and high strength, iron duct has the performance of sound absorption, noise reduction, thermal insulation and no need for secondary insulation. It overcomes the weakness of weak strength of composite duct and easy damage of outer wall in the past, and carries forward the advantages of galvanized iron sheet. The service life of air duct manufacturers is longer, beautiful and generous, showing more noble nature. The inner insulation materials are nonflammable properties of organic materials * good phenolic foam. The pipes do not need two heat preservation after molding, and have antibacterial and silencing functions.


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