

发布人:   发布时间:2022-06-22 11:22:00


The civil air defense basement has different functions in peacetime and wartime. According to its functions in peacetime, it mainly includes underground garage, underground commercial facilities, warehouse, etc; According to wartime use functions, it is divided into command and communication engineering, medical rescue engineering, air defense professional team engineering, personnel Shelter Engineering and supporting engineering;


Therefore, the design and installation of the ventilation duct must fully consider the use under different actual use conditions; At the early stage of design, civil air defense and fire protection will be considered at the same time, so as to make the layout of air duct, smoke exhaust machine room and shaft in peacetime more reasonable than that of air inlet and exhaust system, air inlet machine room, poison filter room in wartime, dry toilet and each mouth in wartime.


In general civil air defense ventilation system, when the ventilation pipe passes through the rear wall of the diffusion chamber, a downward elbow shall be set at the end of the ventilation pipe. The air duct from the diffusion chamber to the front section of the fan shall be welded with steel pipes, and the fan shall be connected with soft joints;



At the same time, the air tightness measuring pipe, differential pressure measuring pipe, radioactive monitoring sampling pipe and tail gas monitoring sampling pipe shall not be omitted.


After the installation of the civil air defense ventilation system, the air volume of the air supply and return main and branch pipes, return air outlets and air conditioners shall be adjusted according to the design requirements; Measure the measured air volume and fix the air valve; All links are put into operation, and the general comfort air conditioning system operates continuously for more than 24 hours.


After the commissioning of the ventilation system is completed, the data shall be sorted out in time and the report shall be prepared. The main contents include:


1. electrical, equipment, automatic control and other individual tests


2. commissioning data of test, signal and protection devices.


3. system air volume adjustment results.


The above is what Jinan ventilation duct introduced to you. Thank you for checking the information of our company in your busy schedule. If you want to know more, you are welcome to call us for consultation!


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