

发布人:   发布时间:2022-07-04 15:46:00


During the reinforcement process of the ventilation pipe project, the corresponding reinforcement method shall be selected according to the pipe pressure and pipe diameter. The selection of reinforcement method has a decisive impact on the service life of the ventilation pipe. The reinforcement method is as follows:


(1) Methods of strengthening clasping


The material used is also light steel keel, which is generally used for the reinforcement of special pipelines, mainly including 900 elbows, tees and bulkhead pipes.



(2) Stay wire reinforcement

该工艺要求采用钢色、套管等材料展开加固,正压加固要求在500 pa以下。

This process requires steel color, casing and other materials to be used for reinforcement, and the positive pressure reinforcement is required to be less than 500 PA.


(3) Strengthening the framework law


This kind of reinforcement can be carried out by light steel keel expansion method.


During the pipeline reinforcement construction of ventilation pipeline engineering, the reinforcement work should be carried out according to the pipeline location, actual use and other aspects. In addition, anti sagging reinforcement method can also be adopted. This method is mainly used to strengthen special pipes, including circuitous pipes, changed pipes, etc., to avoid displacement and sagging of ventilation pipes in actual use.


The above is a detailed introduction about Jinan air duct processing factory. I hope it will help you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service


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