

发布人:   发布时间:2023-01-07 21:20:30

1. Pipe position
Take the public fireplace vent as an example. Before decorating the kitchen, carefully investigate the position of the public fireplace to determine the reasonable installation position of the fireplace. The height and direction of the chimney installation, the direction of the base, how the chimney moves and bends, and how to enter the ceiling, beam and wall should be carefully planned.
2. Pipe length
开口越靠近公共烟道,管道对排烟的影响越小,排烟越亮。管道长度可控制在2米以内。 1.5米以内为佳。烟道的开口位置也提前规划好了,烟管不长但高一点,把烟管封在天花板上,这样烟管容易排烟,既能兼顾美观的同时,也减少了挂箱的空间。
The closer the opening is to the public flue, the smaller the influence of the pipe on smoke exhaust, and the brighter the smoke exhaust. The pipe length can be controlled within 2m. 1.5 meters is preferred. The opening position of the flue is also planned in advance. The flue is not long but a little higher. The flue is sealed on the ceiling, so that the flue is easy to smoke. It can not only give consideration to the beauty, but also reduce the space for hanging boxes.

3. Avoid household appliances
The smoke exhaust pipe in the kitchen shall be far away from the cable, and shall avoid obstacles on various furniture, electrical equipment, ceilings and walls. Therefore, if it is not about the reconstruction of the previous room, first determine the direction of the smoke pipe, and then stabilize the hanging box around the smoke machine.
4. Pipe material
Some smoke pipe materials, such as PVC pipes and metal pipes, are generally straight curves. Attention shall be paid to reducing bending times as much as possible, and flexible aluminum foil or plastic hose shall be used. Curvature lines are relatively sensitive. The comparison steel pipe can take a shorter road, otherwise the daily lampblack will gradually condense in the oil-water mixture and accumulate in the well, affecting the smoke exhaust effect.
5. Auxiliary flue gas construction
The main and auxiliary chimneys are selected for some built public chimneys. The kitchen chimneys are connected to the auxiliary chimneys, and the lampblack is discharged from the auxiliary chimneys to the main chimneys. The main and auxiliary flues shall be well planned to avoid backdraft and cut tobacco formation more smoothly than ordinary flues. Whether there is a secondary smoke pipe or not, closing the check valve on the orientation device connected to the public smoke outlet is very helpful to prevent the backflow of lampblack. Don't be stingy when selecting check valves. The service life of the defective check valve is poor. If there is no control, it will also affect the smoke exhaust.
Jinan kitchen smoke exhaust
The above is a detailed introduction to Jinan Air Duct Processing Factory. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide you with our attitude


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