

发布人:   发布时间:2023-02-13 14:03:54


1. Round pipe reinforcement: the round pipe has high strength, and the flanges at both ends of the pipe play a certain reinforcement role. The diameter of the round pipe is more than 800 mm or the equivalent is more than 800 mm, the length of the pipe section is more than 1250 mm or the total surface area of the pipe section is more than 4 m2, in order to prevent bite cracking during transportation or lifting, when the diameter of the round pipe is more than 500 mm, the longitudinal bite ends are fixed by rivets or spot welding.


2. Rectangular duct reinforcement: Compared with circular duct, rectangular duct has lower strength and is easy to deform.


When the long side of the rectangular pipeline is more than 630mm, the long side of the insulation pipeline is more than 800mm, the length of the pipe section is more than 1250mm, or the plane area of one side of the low pressure pipeline is more than 1.2m2, and the medium and high pressure pipeline is more than 1.0m2, in order to reduce the deformation of the pipeline in the transmission and installation, strengthening measures are taken during the production



Practice of fireproof sheath of ventilation pipe Stainless steel ventilation pipe

1、管道材料不耐火,但有可能接触火灾。 例如,PVC材料的通风管设置在加热器附近时,需要进行防火处理。

1. The pipe material is not fire-resistant, but may be exposed to fire. For example, when the ventilation pipe of PVC material is set near the heater, fire prevention treatment is required.

2、管道输送的气体易燃易爆时,需要防火包裹。 例如正压管道输送机有油烟废气时,防火包会延长通风管的耐受时间,避免管道烧毁,大量气体溢出导致爆燃。

2. When the gas transported by the pipeline is flammable and explosive, fire protection package is required. For example, when the positive pressure pipe conveyor has oil smoke and exhaust gas, the fire bag will extend the withstand time of the ventilation pipe to prevent the pipe from burning, and a large amount of gas will overflow to cause deflagration.

3、管道输送的气体对温度敏感时,气体成分可能对温度敏感,容易发生温度变性。 此时,不仅要进行恒温处理,还要进行防火处理,以免发生意外。

3. When the gas transported by the pipeline is sensitive to temperature, the gas composition may be sensitive to temperature, which is prone to temperature change. At this time, not only constant temperature treatment but also fire prevention treatment should be carried out to avoid accidents.

4、暴露在高温易燃环境下时,管道一般需要防火处理。 除了餐厅炉子顶部的排风管外,它是用铁皮做的,通常会燃烧火焰。

4. When exposed to high temperature and flammable environment, the pipeline generally needs fire prevention treatment. In addition to the exhaust pipe on the top of the restaurant stove, it is made of iron sheet and usually burns flames.

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