

发布人:   发布时间:2023-06-26 20:01:27


There are two ways for ventilation ducts to achieve comprehensive ventilation: mechanical ventilation and natural ventilation. So what are the mechanical ventilation duct guidelines for stainless steel ventilation ducts? Below, the ventilation pipeline processing manufacturer in Jinan will introduce to us:


Dilution ventilation


Dilution ventilation, also known as mixed ventilation, refers to mixing air with a lower concentration of indoor pollutants, in order to reduce the concentration of indoor pollutants and achieve hygiene standards.



Displacement ventilation


In the displacement ventilation system, fresh cold air is fed in at a very low speed from the bottom of the room, with a temperature difference of only 2-4Y for the supply air. Due to its high density, the fresh air sent in fills the entire bottom of the room like water. The heat generated by the heat source causes a direct temperature rise in the room, causing the airflow to slowly rise and detach from the work area, pushing waste heat and pollutants towards the top of the room, which is directly discharged by the exhaust vents located on the ceiling or at the top of the room.


The indoor air moves in a piston like manner, allowing pollutants to be discharged from the top of the room with the air movement. The working area is fundamentally in the incoming air, which means that the concentration of pollutants in the working area is approximately equal to the concentration of the incoming air. This is a significant difference between displacement ventilation and traditional dilution comprehensive ventilation. In ventilation ducts, the ventilation effect of significant displacement ventilation is better than that of dilution ventilation.


Partial ventilation


Partial ventilation refers to the use of partial airflow to prevent harmful substances from contaminating certain areas, creating an outstanding air environment.


Partial ventilation systems are divided into two categories: partial supply and partial exhaust. Partial exhaust is the process of capturing and purifying pollutants on-site before discharging them outdoors. Partial air supply is the process of delivering processed and compliant air to certain work locations to ensure air conditions in certain areas. Some ventilation methods should be given priority as a technical method to ensure the air quality of the operation and daily environment and avoid indoor environmental pollution.


That's all for the mechanical ventilation guidelines related to the processing of ventilation ducts. We hope they can provide you with good help. For more information, please come to our website consulting service


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