

发布人:   发布时间:2023-08-23 21:48:23

通风与空气调节: 舰船内部需要保持合适的通风和空气流通,以确保室内空气的新鲜和舒适。螺旋风管可以作为舰船内通风系统的重要组成部分,为船员提供健康的工作和生活环境。

Ventilation and air conditioning: Proper ventilation and air circulation are required inside the ship to ensure fresh and comfortable indoor air. Spiral air ducts can serve as an important component of the ventilation system inside ships, providing a healthy working and living environment for crew members.

引擎排气系统: 舰船的引擎需要排放大量的废气,螺旋风管可以用于引擎排气系统,将废气有效排出船舱,避免引擎排放对船舱内部造成污染。

Engine exhaust system: The engine of a ship needs to emit a large amount of exhaust gas, and spiral ducts can be used for the engine exhaust system to effectively exhaust the exhaust gas from the cabin and avoid engine emissions causing pollution inside the cabin.

烟气排放与处理: 舰船上的厨房、锅炉等设施产生的烟气需要及时排放和处理,以确保船内空气质量和环境卫生。螺旋风管可以用于烟气排放系统,将烟气引导排放口,降低对船员和环境的影响。


Smoke emission and treatment: The smoke generated by kitchens, boilers, and other facilities on ships needs to be timely discharged and treated to ensure air quality and environmental hygiene inside the ship. Spiral ducts can be used in smoke exhaust systems to guide smoke to the discharge outlet, reducing the impact on crew and the environment.

气体分配系统: 舰船内部需要分配气体,如压缩空气、惰性气体等,用于不同的设备和工作。螺旋风管可以用于气体分配系统,确保气体准确传递到指定位置。

Gas distribution system: Gas needs to be distributed inside the ship, such as compressed air, inert gas, etc., for different equipment and work. Spiral ducts can be used in gas distribution systems to ensure accurate gas transmission to designated locations.

消防通风系统: 舰船需要配备消防通风系统,以确保火灾时烟雾迅速排出,增加逃生时间。螺旋风管可以用于消防通风系统。

Fire ventilation system: Ships need to be equipped with a fire ventilation system to ensure rapid smoke discharge and increase escape time during a fire. Spiral ducts can be used for fire ventilation systems.

舱室隔离与环境控制: 舰船上的不同舱室需要隔离的环境控制,如机房、船员休息区等。螺旋风管可以用于舱室隔离系统和环境控制系统,实现舱室之间的空气分隔和温度控制。

Cabin isolation and environmental control: Environmental control that requires isolation of different compartments on a ship, such as engine rooms, crew rest areas, etc. Spiral air ducts can be used for cabin isolation systems and environmental control systems to achieve air separation and temperature control between cabins.


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