

发布人:   发布时间:2023-09-26 11:10:37

1. 施工单位应按照设计图纸和相关技术要求进行通风管道的安装,并确保吊架的合理布置和牢固可靠。

1. The construction unit should install the ventilation ducts in accordance with the design drawings and relevant technical requirements, and ensure the reasonable layout and firm and reliable reliability of the hangers.


The type and quantity of hangers should be determined based on the size, weight, and layout of the ventilation ducts to ensure that they do not deform or vibrate during use.

3. 通风管道吊架的材料应符合规范要求,常见的吊架材料包括钢板、角铁、槽钢等。吊架的强度和稳定性应能够满足通风管道的载荷要求。


3. The material of the ventilation duct hanger should comply with the specification requirements, and common hanger materials include steel plates, angle iron, channel steel, etc. The strength and stability of the hanger should be able to meet the load requirements of the ventilation pipeline.

4. 吊架的安装应符合相关的施工工艺要求,确保吊架的位置准确、垂直度良好,并且能够与通风管道连接紧密。

4. The installation of the hanger should comply with relevant construction process requirements, ensuring that the position of the hanger is accurate, the verticality is good, and it can be tightly connected to the ventilation pipeline.

5. 吊架的固定方式应采用螺栓连接或焊接等可靠的固定方式,确保吊架与建筑物结构之间的连接牢固可靠。

5. The fixing method of the hanger should be reliable, such as bolt connection or welding, to ensure the connection between the hanger and the building structure is firm and reliable.


Jinan ventilation pipeline manufacturer

6. 在安装吊架时,应注意避开其他设备、管道和电线等,确保通风管道的布局合理,不影响其他设备的正常运行和维护。

When installing the hanger, attention should be paid to avoiding other equipment, pipelines, and wires to ensure that the layout of the ventilation ducts is reasonable and does not affect the normal operation and maintenance of other equipment.


The above is the introduction of Jinan ventilation pipeline for everyone. Thank you for taking the time to check our company's information content If you want to learn more, please feel free to call for consultation


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