

发布人:   发布时间:2023-10-24 16:04:00


In the early stages of air duct production and processing, we often hear the question of whether to choose thicker plates for welding air ducts? According to the actual situation, this is correct.


The processing process of ordinary galvanized thin steel sheet air ducts includes cutting, bending, and edge tapping, which is very simple. However, the welding process of air ducts requires the use of laser high-temperature welding. Low thickness air ducts are more prone to high-temperature melting and perforation during this process, so thicker plates should be used for production and processing.



However, it does not mean that all air ducts involved in welding require the use of materials above 1.0. In actual operation, 1.2 materials are safer to weld, and 1.0 materials can also be welded. High technical level white iron sheet air duct manufacturers with 0.75 can also weld.


So the actual thickness of the plate used for welding the air duct still needs to be selected according to the needs of the project.

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