

发布人:   发布时间:2017-09-29 19:15:35


1) for civil buildings, ventilation pipes in the design stage, all types of work (HVAC, water supply, drainage, power supply lighting and building professional) should first negotiate space separation, determine the elevation of each pipe range. The general case not set himself beyond the boundaries. In case a paragraph is crossed, consult with other projects.



2) to solve all kinds of ventilation pipe collision and coordination principle, generally: "let the pressure get tubular bassoon, no pressure". For example, when the water pipe is in collision with the air pipe, the water pipe should be turned. The cold and hot water pipes and water pipes together, should change the cold and hot water pipe.


3) the engineer of the equipment main shall, before construction, draw the lines of each type of work on a single plan. Each pipe uses a color pen. At the intersection of each of its elevation, to see if there are inconsistencies, timely discovery, the problem before the installation.


4) in order to reduce investment, save space and reduce storey height, some ventilation ducts with no slope requirements can be laid through beams (such as water pipes, fire fighting, dry pipes, etc.).


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