

发布人:   发布时间:2021-10-20 14:09:21


First of all, air is important in people's life. Without air, people will feel suffocated and can't live. Oxygen in the air is also the basic element to maintain people's life. Therefore, we should always maintain indoor ventilation to meet people's demand for oxygen, which is also the role of ventilation pipes in people's life. In crowded or closed spaces, the lack of air circulation, exhaled carbon dioxide, etc. will make the air not circulating, so always remember to ventilation, especially in factories.



Secondly, the use of ventilation pipes can make good ventilation, indoor air circulation and control the speed of air flow. What is called ventilation, that is, the dirty air in the room or in the closed space is discharged. The harmful substances produced in the factory are discharged out of the room after purification, and then the fresh air is sent into the room to dilute the harmful substances in the air, Meet people's demand for air.


It is the ventilation duct that keeps the air circulating so that people can breathe fresh air, which is also for the sake of people's body. Nanjing ventilation duct is widely used in buildings and buildings to make the indoor air more smooth.


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